Upload images or videos for W2A landings

Drag and drop images or videos or click the button below to select files.
After the upload you will receive names of the uploaded items.

Drop Here

ℹ️ Requirements

  • Images must be in PNG/GIF/WEBP format
  • Background images must be 750x1506 pixels (2x export from figma, of images 375x753)
  • Foreground images must be 750x1270 pixels (2x export from figma, of images 375x635)
  • Images must be named in the following format: image_name.png
  • All image names must be unique

  • Videos must be im MP4/WEBM/OGG format
  • Background images must be 750x1506 pixels (2x export from figma, of images 375x753)
  • Videos must be named in the following format: video_name.mp4
  • Videos must be 375x635 pixels
  • All video names must be unique
